Having been banished from his lair in the Blackrock Mountain, Ragnaros has launched a campaign in Hyjal, seeking to destroy the World Tree Nordrassil. The Avengers of Hyjal, led by Malfurion Stormrage, has gathered a force of warriors to fight back against Ragnaros and his army from the Firelands. Whereas the Guardians of Hyjal seek to protect the World Tree from Ragnaros and his forces, the Avengers of Hyjal seek to end the threat of Ragnaros once and for all. To this end, they look to take the fight to Ragnaros himself in the heart of the Firelands. Though a difficult mission, they have managed to secure enough of the Firelands to establish a base camp. They will continue to battle the forces of Ragnaros until he is no longer a threat to Hyjal and the World Tree.
Friendly Durable Flamewrath Greatcloak
Friendly Bladed Flamewrath Cover
Friendly Sleek Flamewrath Cloak
Friendly Flowing Flamewrath Cape
Friendly Rippling Flamewrath Drape
Honored Girdle of the Indomitable Flame
Honored Flamebinding Girdle
Honored Firescar Sash
Honored Cinch of the Flaming Ember
Honored Belt of the Seven Seals
Honored Firemend Cinch
Honored Firearrow Belt
Honored Embereye Belt
Revered Stay of Execution
Revered Rune of Zeth
Revered Fiery Quintessence
Revered Ancient Petrified Seed
Revered Essence of the Eternal Flame
Revered Stay of Execution
Revered Rune of Zeth
Revered Fiery Quintessence
Revered Ancient Petrified Seed
Revered Essence of the Eternal Flame
Exalted Obsidian Signet of the Avengers
Exalted Viridian Signet of the Avengers
Exalted Infernal Signet of the Avengers