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The Earthen Ring

The Earthen Ring is a group of shamans that look to maintain balance among the elements. The Earthen Ring consists of shamans from both the Horde and the Alliance and includes former Warchief Thrall as a member. When Deathwing returned to Azeroth, he came in through Deepholm. This destruction caused a rift in the elemental plane. The Earthen Ring stepped in to repair the damage caused by Deathwing. Deathwing also managed to inadvertently destroy the World Pillar, providing yet another world threatening issue that only the Earthen Ring could deal with. As Deathwing grew stronger and stronger, the Earthen Ring obtained and charged the Dragon Soul, hoping to use it's powerful to stop Deathwing once and for all. While they were ultimately successful, the Earthen Ring lost many members on that fateful day.

Trash mobs (5 each)

Killing trash mobs in heroic dungeons while wearing the faction tabard will award 5 reputation points for that faction.

Dungeon bosses (250 each)

Killing bosses in heroic dungeons while wearing the faction tabard will award 250 reputation points for that faction.

Commendation of The Earthen Ring (500 each)
