Vol'jin's Headhunters are a force of Horde warriors that establish a foothold in the Tanaan jungle. Operating with full knowledge of what danger Gul'dan represents, Vol'jin's Headhunters seek to overflow the orcish warlock before he can further lend his aid to the Burning Legion. Taking their orders from the Horde Warchief Vol'jin, Vol'jin's Headhunters are the special forces division of Horde forces. Vol'jin sees an opportunity on this alternate Draenor; overthrow Gul'dan before the Burning Legion can overrun and desecrate Draenor the way they did in Vol'jin's universe.
Friendly Ship Blueprint: Battleship
Honored Treasure Map: Tanaan Jungle
Honored Contract: Dowser Goodwell
Revered Frostwolf Grunt's Battlegear
Revered Equipment Blueprint: Unsinkable
Revered Blueprint: Oil Rig
Exalted Empowered Augment Rune
Exalted Bristling Hellboar
Exalted Deathtusk Felboar