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As if living in Azeroth weren't perilous enough what with all the dragons fighting, titans awakening, demons invading, oh and the afterlife attempting to eradicate, well, everything, now you have to contend with the Azerothian multiverse and time travel. Luckily Soridormi and his merry band of TVA agents are there to preserve the true timeline, thus ensuring Azeroth remains safe...ish.

Time Rift Mob (1 each)

Killing a mob while part of a time rift gives you experience

Time Rift Objectives (20 each)

Completing two objectives inside of a time rift gives you experience

Daily Quest (30 each)

Even with the power of time, Soridormi is not immune to the wrath of daily quests

Time Rift Boss (170 each)

Seven bosses spawn every hour. Killing one inside the time rift gives you experience

Weekly Quest (1800 each)

Each week you can do a quest to mend time for Soridormi