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Hallowfall Arathi

The name Hallowfall strikes fond memories of walking around the afterlife back in the Shadowlands. However, the Hallowfall Arathi have nothing to do with Shadowlands or any of those busybodies contained therein. Instead, the Hallowfall Arathi chill all day underground in Mereldar, their home base guarding some big crystal called Beledar. It is the light crystal that oversees their area. I guess this is important because they need light underground. Or, I don't know. Maybe they could just live outside? Just a thought.

Contract: Hallowfall Arathi (15 each)

Level an inscriptor, make friends with one, or just buy them off the auction house but completing any world quest while using Contract: Hallowfall Arathi will give 15 reputation points for completing any world quest

World Quests (50 each)

World quests are back again. Completing a Hallowfall world quest is worth 50 reputation points

Rare mobs (150 each)

In Hallowfall are numerous rare mobs. You can kill each rare mob once weekly for 150 points

Spreading the Light World Event (1000 each)

The Spreading the Light world event can be completed once a week for a hefty 1000 points. It requires you to be renown 3.