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Long thought to be the last of the Black Dragons, Wrathion has discovered he is not alone. As one of the last descendents of Deathwing, he feels it is his birthright to rule the Black Dragonflight.
These drop from elites in the Obsidian Citadel. Turning them in to Xaldrass is worth 50 reputation points each. They can also be purchased from the Auction House.
These drop from elites in the Obsidian Citadel. Turning them in to Atticus Belle is worth 50 reputation points each. They can also be purchased from the Auction House.
Completing obsidian keys and turning them in to either Forgemaster Bazentus or Igys the Believer will result in 75 reputation points for both Wrathion and Sabellian
Turning in 10 obsidian keys to Forgemaster Bazentus will unlock the quest Forging the Answer. Completing this quest is worth 100 reputation points for both Wrathion and Sabellian.
Turning in 10 obsidian keys to Igys the Believer will unlock the quest Breaking the World. Completing this quest is worth 100 reputation points for both Wrathion and Sabellian.
Creating obsidian keys and turning them in to Wrathion is worth 250 reputation points
After 20 obsidian keys have been turned in to Wrathion, his entourage will unlock a vault allowing players to kill Shas'ith. Doing so is worth 250 reputation points