Comprised of Pandaren and Jinyu, The Lorewalkers value knowledge and seek to acquire and preserve knowledge in their various libaries. Much like the Tortollan Seekers, The Lorewalkers explore the world around them, trading stories with any interested traveler, locating artifacts and understanding the history behind those artifacts, and fill their libraries with records of their exploration. Whether the traveler is allied with the Alliance or the Horde makes no difference to The Lorewalkers, knowledge is knowledge.
Revered Music Roll: Song of Liu Lang
Exalted Lorewalker's Lodestone
Exalted Lorewalker's Map
Exalted Disc of the Red Flying Cloud
Exalted Lorewalkers Tabard
Exalted Mantid Artifact Sonic Locator
Exalted Mantid Artifact Hunter's Kit