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Golden Lotus

The Golden Lotus are a group of Pandarens that are hand chosen by the celestials to serve as protectors of the Vale of Eternal Blossoms. These members are generally chosen at a fairly young age though that is not always the case. When goblins located the Heart of Y'Shaarj deep within a vault in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms, Garrosh Hellscream claimed the Heart for himself and had it installed in his throne room in Orgrimmar. Doing so unleashed a wave of devastation throughout the Vale, unleashing the Sha of Pride of killing many members of the Golden Lotus. After Garrosh Hellscream was defeated and the Heart destroyed, the remaining members of the Golden Lotus seek to restore peace and bring balance to the Vale, all while keeping an eye on the ever looming threat of the mogu.

Mobs in Vale of Eternal Blossoms (20 each)

Killing mobs in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms award 20 reputation points each.

Rares in Vale of Eternal Blossoms (200 each)

Killing rares in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms award 200 reputation points each.

Random Scenario (200 each)

The first random scenario run each day while championing this faction will award 200 reputation points.

Relic of Guo-Lai (250 each)

Relic of Guo-Lai can be found inside ANcient Guo-Lai Caches.

Daily Quests (300 each)

Doing daily quests for the Golden Lotus will award 300 reputation points each.

Random Dungeon (300 each)

The first random dungeon run each day while championing this faction will award 300 reputation points.

Work Order quests (300 each)

Work order quests involve planting specific crops in your garden. They award 300 reputation points each.

Max level rares in Vale of Eternal Blossoms (400 each)

Killing max level rares in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms award 400 reputation points each.

Relic of the Thunder King (500 each)

Relic of the Thunder King can be found inside Ancient Guo-Lai Caches.

Stolen Golden Lotus Insignia (1000 each)

Stolen Golden Lotus Insignia's can drop from rare elites.

Stolen Golden Lotus Insignia (1000 each)

Stolen Golden Lotus Insignia can be looted from Zandalari Warbringers around the coast of Pandaria.