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The General

For a great low rate you can get online. Whoops, wrong website. This General is instead was a member of the Azj-Kahet military, widely regarded for their military mind. However, they were passed over for a promotion and as a result, have decided to let anarchy reign and overthrow the establishment. Together, with the Vizier and the Weaver, they form the Severed Threads, a group hell bent upon overthrowing Queen Ansurek, monarchy be damned. There is no telling what would have happened to the nerubian who eventually got this job if the General had instead earned that promotion. Perhaps Azeroth was always destined to have a General.

Blade of the General (1500 each)

Blade of the General is a weekly quest available once you have made a pact with the general. It's weekly, so you can complete it once a week.