The Kalu'ak are a group of tuskarr residing in Northrend. Despite being at the center of the conflict between various forces across Azeroth and the Lich King, they appear to be unaffected by the struggle and choose to spend their time on what they consider to be more interesting pursuits, namely, fishing and whaling. While they do not seek to lead a charge against the Lich King himself, they will defend their village against any and all attackers. They are happy to share the knowledge they've accumulated over the generations to anyone they consider and ally.
Friendly Design: Purified Shadow Crystal
Friendly Freshly-Speared Emperor Salmon
Honored Whale-Skin Breastplate
Honored Whale-Skin Vest
Honored Ivory-Reinforced Chestguard
Honored Whalebone Carapace
Honored Cuttlefish Scale Breastplate
Honored Cuttlefish Tooth Ringmail
Honored Pigment-Stained Robes
Honored Turtle-Minders Robe
Honored Ruined Pattern
Revered Traditional Flensing Knife
Revered Totemic Purification Rod
Revered Whale-Stick Harpoon
Revered Pattern: Emerald Bag
Exalted Mastercraft Kalu'ak Fishing Pole
Exalted Nurtured Penguin Egg