Led by Maiev Shadowsong, the Wardens serve as jailors for some of the ruthless foes encountered in Azeroth. Operating from the Isle of Watchers in Azsuna, they guard their prisoners placed in the Vault of the Wardens. Betrayed by Cordana Felsong, demons from the Burning Legion invaded the Vault and absconded with the corpse of Illidan Stormrage and capturing Maiev in the process. Working with the Illidari, the Wardens managed to drive back the demons. While Maiev was captured, Sira Moonwarden took up the mantle of leader until Maiev was eventually freed. During the Battle for Darkshore, the Wardens sided with the Alliance.
Honored Trapped Treasure Chest Kit
Honored Schematic: Bolt-Action Headgun
Honored Schematic: Reinforced Headgun
Honored Recipe: Feathered Luffa
Revered Syxsehnz Rod
Revered Fledgling Warden Owl
Revered Vantus Rune Technique: Cenarius
Revered Vault Patroller's Warboots
Revered Boon of the Bloodhunter
Revered Vantus Rune Technique: Odyn
Revered Recipe: Spiced Falcosaur Omelet
Exalted Drape of the Patient Hunter
Exalted Warden's Tabard