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Brann Bronzebeard is certainly no stranger to the World of Warcraft. His name may be cursed in Hearthstone where his appearance usually indicates some sort of broken build in either Standard or Battlegrounds but in Azeroth, he is a pretty cool dude. Nowadays, he is looking to help adventurers on their delves by partnering up with anyone that needs an extra guy. An introvert's best friend, Brann ensures that anyone can do a delve no matter how many online friends they have (or don't have).
Completing a delve will grant Brann experience.
Killing mobs inside a delve will grant companion experience
Whilst delving, you may encounter items that will increase your companion's experience
Whilst delving, you may encounter items that will increase your companion's experience
Whilst delving, you may encounter items that will increase your companion's experience
Completing a Bountiful Delve above level 4 will grant companion experience