The Valiance Expedition is the name given to Alliance forces operating in Northred. Led by King Varian Wrynn, the Valiance Expedition fights against the scourge threat in Northrend and the Lich King himself. The Valiance Expedition was led on the field by Bolvar Fordragon, who led the attack on Icecrown. He was ultimately defeated and presumed dead. Tirion Fordring would later learn that Bolvar Fordragon had not perished but instead was held prisoner and tortured by the Lich King. After the Lich King's defeat, Bolvar Fordragon takes up the mantle of Lich King so that the scourge do not run rampant throughout Azeroth. Tirion however does not share this information with the rest of Azeroth and sees necessary to allow everyone to assume the Lich King is dead.