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Hello, my name is mud might be considered an insult elsewhere, but to the Council of Dornogal, it is considered a polite greeting. The Council of Dornogal is the ruling body of the earthen. They hold sway over any and all actions that any earthen perform. Think in Marvel comics when the mutants tried to establish their own nation on the island of Krakoa before everyone realized that the mutants shouldn't have nice things.
Level an inscriptor, make friends with one, or just buy them off the auction house but completing any world quest while using Contract: Council of Dornogal will give 15 reputation points for completing any world quest
World quests are back again. Completing an Isle of Dorn world quest is worth 50 reputation points
On the Isle of Dorn are numerous rare mobs. You can kill each rare mob once weekly for 150 points
The Theater Troupe world event can be completed once a week for a hefty 1000 points. It requires you to be renown 3.