The Sons of Hodir are a group of frost giants living in the Storm Peaks. The Sons of Hodir formed an alliance with the titan Thorim. Thorim was eventually deceived by his brother Loken and led to believe that the Sons of Hodir were responsible for the death of his wife, Sif. Thorim then betrayed the frost giants and attacked the frost giants. Recently, Thorim has learned the truth of Sif's death and wishes to make amends with the frost giants. The Sons of Hodir are split on this development with many Sons considering the relationship irreparable.
Honored Lesser Inscription of the Storm
Honored Lesser Inscription of the Crag
Honored Lesser Inscription of the Axe
Honored Arcanum of the Frosty Soul
Honored Giant Ring Belt
Honored Spaulders of Frozen Knives
Honored Pattern: Mammoth Mining Bag
Revered Reins of the Ice Mammoth
Revered Reins of the Ice Mammoth
Revered Stalactite Chopper
Revered Broken Stalactite
Revered Giant-Friend Kilt
Revered Spaulders of the Giant Lords
Exalted Design: Smooth Autumn's Glow
Exalted Pattern: Glacial Bag
Exalted Reins of the Grand Ice Mammoth
Exalted Reins of the Grand Ice Mammoth
Exalted Greater Inscription of the Axe
Exalted Greater Inscription of the Crag
Exalted Greater Inscription of the Storm